Episode 45: Welcome to the Equestrian Author Spotlight podcast! In each episode, you’ll hear inspirational stories from horse book authors including writing advice and marketing tips to help you write your own horse book. If you are an author, aspire to be an author, or simply love horse books then you are in the right place!
In this week's episode, you'll meet Cavallo Horse & Rider, Inc. Founder Carole Herder. You'll learn ...
Watch Carole Herder's Interview on YouTube!Or listen to the audio only version.About Carole Herder
Carole Herder has a genuine passion for educating horse owners worldwide, especially on all matters related to natural horse keeping. Carole gives presentations and leads workshops at horse events worldwide.
Carole's involvement in the study of horse health began in 1994, as a result of insurmountable health problems experienced by her beloved first horse, Rocky. It was her love for Rocky that spurred her to learn all she could about horse health, and eventually to found Cavallo Horse & Rider, Inc. She went on to design the Total Comfort System Saddle Pads; Cavallo Simple, Sport, ELB, Transporter and Trek Hoof Boots. Carole is a certified Chopra University Instructor. In 2010, she won the Royal Bank of Canada western division Trail Blazer Woman Entrepreneur of the year award. Her work is changing the world and blazing a new trail in an otherwise stagnant, traditional industry. Carole is a proud member of the WPO--Women Presidents Organization, supporting women in business. Through her work and designs, she has served hundreds of thousands of horses and riders around the world. Providing comfort for horses is her goal. Carole Herder Podcast Interview Excerpt
Carly: Your company, Cavallo Horse & Rider Inc., develops, manufactures and distributes horse products in 26 countries worldwide. Tell us about your company. Why and how did you get started?
Carole: At Cavallo Horse & Rider Inc., truly caring for your horse means paying close attention to his level of physical comfort. Allowing your horse to be naturally barefoot is paramount to their long term health and well being. Cavallo offers the world's best range of durable multi-purpose hoof boots that are simple to put on and stay on as you ride your horse through any terrain at any speed. Freeing horses of the constriction of metal shoes and allowing them their deserved comfort, protection and security of Cavallo Boots is Cavallo's mission. In addition, Cavallo's Total Comfort System Saddle Pads are designed to promote even distribution of weight to the muscles along either side of the horse's backbone; to keep weight off the horse's spine; and to allow room for the horse's scapula to move properly within the narrow confines of the saddle, thereby correcting saddle fit problems and compensating for muscular and fitness changes throughout your horse's life. As the President of Cavallo, I am dedicated to developing and distributing innovative products of excellent quality that provide comfort, well-being, protection, and security for both horse and rider. I founded Cavallo in 1993. I am actually in the business of change providing compelling and simple reasons to grow, modernize and thoughtfully embrace a healthier holistic life style.
Carly: Talk to us about caring for horse’s hoofs naturally. You promote that keeping horses barefoot is the better choice. Talk to us about the traditional shoeing method and why you believe barefoot is better.
Carole: There are many factors that contribute to the long-term success of a barefoot program and it is very different than traditional shoeing. Let’s talk about what happens when we don’t put the shoes on. Proportionately, as a truly miraculous structure the small hoof supports the weight of a large horse. The walls expand and widen apart to draw the sole flat. When the sole levels downward towards the ground the bone column can easily move down. The coffin bone acts as a trampoline to absorb the descending structure. The frogs help the heels expand and in so doing, blood circulates freely carrying nutrients to the entire apparatus. Shock is absorbed properly. Tissue is nourished and the whole horse benefits because his most primary survival flight mode is not compromised through an archaic and unnecessary practice, which not only renders hoof function non-existent but exerts upward pressure to the entire internal structure. To achieve what we call proper hoof mechanism, some of your considerations should be:
At Cavallo, our purpose is to offer horse boots as an alternative to the nailing on of metal shoes a practice found before we understood the physiology of the hoof and certainly before we had our current level of technology. Cavallo Hoof Boots utilize compounds which have far greater shock absorbing features than metal. Cavallo horse boots absorb concussion, rather than transmit it, so that the sensitive Lamellae of the hoof is not compromised but supported. The main support system of the coffin bone can remain strong and integral when the high frequency vibration of impact on metal is not constantly jarring.
Carly: Which leads us to your books There are no Horseshoes in Heaven is a #1 International Bestseller. Tell us about your books.
Carole: There Are No Horseshoes in Heaven offers a profound and passionate exploration of past patterns, guiding readers through an entertaining and thought-provoking invitation to make alternative choices. I share insights on protecting horses from pain and discomfort, maximizing our riding experiences and gaining insight into the ‘hot spots’ for horses, through scientific evidence and real-life stories. There Are No Horseshoes in Heaven exposes the passé ways of thinking that have impacted our horses. This book examines horses’ natural way of being and shows how small changes in our husbandry can yield big results. It calls us to apply the philosophy of empowerment with a healthy dose of curiosity and move forward into interesting new times. Hoof Prints on the Journey: Every Horse Owner’s Simple Guide to the Hoof helps readers navigate issues such as Laminitis and Navicular Disease. In the book, I discuss actionable steps that every horse owner can take, share statements from top experts and scientists, help horse owners learn to manage extreme season and climate change, as well as, understand and prevent problems from arising. It also includes other horse lovers' personal stories. The book is full of pictures and anecdotes that will engage and entertain while providing solutions. A few small changes can move you from regret to inspiration. Hoofprints on The Journey will show you how.
Carly: For someone who's interested in learning more about natural hoof care and about how to use your boots, Your company has a YouTube channel where there's a wealth of information. Talk to us about what's available on your YouTube channel.
Carole: We keep adding more information all the time. The latest thing that we just added was the first only independent study by a university comparing Cavallo hoof boots to metal shoes. Cavallo Boots came out on top and they're highly recommending them, that's one aspect of what's what's available in terms of information. There's experts talking about their use of our boots. Pat Parelli speaks freely about using them on trail rides when nothing else worked. John Lyons, Double Dan, Julie Goodnight ... they're all on our YouTube channel and website under the experts page talking about their experiences with our boots. There's lots of regular horse people documenting their experiences as well Hear what top equine industry experts are saying about Cavallo Hoof Boots and Saddle Pads on the Cavallo website here.
Carly: What advice would you offer to anyone who wants to follow their dream and create their life the way they want it like you did?
Carole: Determine what you really, really want. What do you do that makes time stand still? You may have to go way back into your childhood. There are certain things that you have done in your life that makes time stand still, and that's what you want. You want to go to that place where you're resonating with your inner being, with what you really want, and your soul's purpose. Business isn't easy. There's a lot of ups and downs, so you have to find the inner strength within yourself and and then commit. It's got to come from the truth of who you are as a real person. You just have to listen. Connect with Carole Herder & Cavallo
Website: www.cavallo-inc.com
Blog: https://www.cavallo-inc.com/category/blog/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CavalloHoofboots Twitter: https://twitter.com/cavallohoofboot YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CavalloHR Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cavallohoofboots/
Gallop over to the Cavallo Newsletter here:
https://www.cavallo-inc.com/subscribe-to-the-cavallo-horse-and-rider-newsletter/ Books by Carole Herder
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Thank you for joining us this week on the Equestrian Author Spotlight podcast I hope you enjoy these Q&A sessions with wonderful equine authors who love all things horses and writing just like me. If you are an author who writes about horses and would like to be spotlighted please let me know. Visit my contact page to fill out a request. I'd be happy to have you on the show, too. About Your Host Carly Kade
Carly Kade is an award-winning independent author, horse owner, creativity coach, and the host of the Equestrian Author Spotlight Podcast. She helps fellow writers start, grow, and expand their author careers. Creative writing makes her spurs jingle!
Carly's award-winning In the Reins equestrian romance book series was written with horse lovers in mind, no matter which discipline they ride. The horses are as vital to moving the story forward as the human characters are. These books are perfect for poolside reading, taking to the beach, or settling down with after a day of horseback riding. Comments are closed.
Books by Carly KadeBook TrailerAuthor InfoCarly Kade writes for anyone who loves horses, handsome cowboys and a great romance. Creative writing about horses makes her spurs jingle! Archives
October 2023
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